“Ready to lead: Be resilient, agile and future-ready”

Sometimes, the pitfalls of being a Member (or Fellow) of a Professional Body is that you get bombarded with lots of emails… most of which have limited applicability.

But hot on the heels of carrying out my L&M self-assessment, I was prompted for the free online short course Ready to lead: Be resilient, agile and future-ready, which the InstLM states:

… equips aspiring, new and experienced leaders and managers with essential knowledge and skills to help navigate 2022 and beyond.

InstLM course blurb

Timing being everything, I decided to take the opportunity…

Full details of the Ready to lead: Be resilient, agile and future-ready course can be found on the InstLM’s website

Course Material

The course material is split into three sections, with an associated self-assessment questionnaire – these three sections are each linked to one of the InstLM’s 49 leadership components.

The three topics covered are:

  • Resilience leadership component,
  • Adaptability leadership component, and
  • Future-ready leadership component.

Obviously, in the context of a free course, lasting only a couple of hours including the assessments and some background reading, the depth is not massive – but I felt it was a good refresher of the concepts… and most importantly, I got a badge 🙂

Ready to Lead: Be Resilient, Agile & Future Ready

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